
Date : September 26, 2021
Condition : New
Location : gerji

Ganozhi soap
ለሁሉም የቆዳ አይነቶች ተስማሚና ምቹ
ተፈጥሮአዊ ይዘቱን የጠበቀ
የእፅዋት ሁሉ ንጉስ ተብሎ ከሚጠራው ቀይ እንጉዳይ (ganadorma) የተመረተ የአለማችን ምርጡ ሳሙና…
“dxn ganozhi soap”
ganozhi soap ጥቅሞች:-
ቆዳን ከመሸብሸብና ከማርጀት ይጠብቃል
የፊት ልስላሴ ይመልሳል
በአላርጂክ ፣ በቡግር ፣ ለተጠቃ ፊት ፍቱን መፍትሔ ነው።
የdxn ምርቶችን በመጠቀም ውበቶን እና ጤናዎን ይጠብቁ።
ምርቱን እኛ ጋር ያገኛሉ

Discover the face you were born have with DXN’s ganozhi soap.
Ganozhi soap is an organic soap made from ganoderma and palm oil which consists vitamine E. It contains anti-bacterials which
nourishes our skin and act as anti-aging.
Ganozhi has many benefits like:
✅remove and prevent acne
✅help with rushes
✅itchy skin
✅for  skin disease like psoriyasis and other type of skin diaeases.

📞Call 251975087571📞
telgram @dxn_prdt

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