Serious mass 50g protien of blended protien
for those having difficulty gaining weight. 1250 calories per scoop
ከአሜሪካ ቀጥታ ያስመጣናቸውን ኦርጅናል ፕሮቲን ፓውደሮች እኛጋር ይውሰዱ
we have different types of protein powder call us
✔serious mass
✔mass tech
✔nitro tech
✔platinum creatine……and so on
⛔በተመሳይ ምርት እንዳይሸወዱ ከእኛ ሲገዙ ORGINAL መሆኑን ማረጋገጫ አለው!!
Mention when calling the seller to get a good deal.