
Date : August 28, 2020
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : kolfe keranyo
🌼🌼ከውዲሁ መልካም አዲስ ዓመት እያልን🌼🌼
🌼አስደሳች ዜና 😍
🌼 Steam Facial
🌼🧖‍♂የውሀ እንፋሎት የፊትዎን ቀዳዳ በመክፈት ቆሻሻ ውልቅ ብሎ እንዲወጣ ይረዳል
🧖‍♀Blackheads በማለስለስ ለማስወገድ ይረዳል
🧖‍♂የሞቀ የእንፋሎት የደም ሥሮችዎን እንዲከፈቱ እንዲሁም የደም ዝውውር እንዲጨምር ያደርጋል
🧖Steam ቦታዎች መሄድ ሳይጠበቅቦት በቤትዎ የፊትዎን ቆዳ ውበት ይጠብቁ
👉Releases acne-causing bacteria and cells
👉Steam hydrates the skin by helping to increase oil production, naturally moisturizing the face
👉Helps your skin better absorb skin care products
🚖በፍጥነት ይዘዙን ባሉበት ቦታ  እናደርሳለን ( delivery available

Mention when calling the seller to get a good deal.



kolfe keranyo
Safety Tips
  1. Use a safe location to meet the seller.
  2. Always inspect items before paying.
  3. Beware of unusual/suspicious requests.
  4. Avoid to wire money online or advance payments.
  5. Beware of unrealistic offers.

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