
Date : December 5, 2021
Location : Addis Ababa

የሚጣፍጥ ምግብ ከበሉ ምን ያህል ጊዜ ሆነዎት? 😄

👉 ክሽን ተደርጎ የተሰራው ቀይ የቢናስ ስጎ ለፍርፍር ፤ ለፓስታ ፤ እና ለስለስ ላሉ ወጦች ልዩ ግብዐት ነው! 💐💐

Mention when calling the seller to get a good deal.



Addis Ababa
Safety Tips
  1. Use a safe location to meet the seller.
  2. Always inspect items before paying.
  3. Beware of unusual/suspicious requests.
  4. Avoid to wire money online or advance payments.
  5. Beware of unrealistic offers.

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